I will read anything I can get my hands on. Seriously.
Most books I read are reviewed for Harlequin Junkie, but I'll have an occasional independent or author requested review that I'll post.
‘Doyle’s flirtation in the last two days was more attention than she’d gotten from Chris in the last five years. Sometimes, it was just nice to be asked to dance, even if you had no intention of saying yes–and Doyle was definitely asking.’
Luck, Love & Lemon Pie was a pleasant surprise. A novel about one woman’s struggle to save her marriage while finding something constructive to occupy her lonely days, author Amy E. Reichert was able to infuse hope and remembrance into what could have been a bleak story.
I’m usually torn when I read this type of book. Torn between the romantic in me wanting to see a longtime relationship work itself out in a positive manner, and yet knowing that sometimes things have gone too far to be reconciled by the time the couple in question realizes there’s a problem.